We've re-branded!

Daniel Field Direct is now Gentle Hair Dye

Our best-selling Water Colour Hair Dye is unchanged, sourced from the same supplier for over a decade. This is the more effective single vial version of Water Colour that our customers know and love.

Our new website is also an approved stockist of It's Pure, Logona and Alice England products.

Try our new website

Click here to swap to our new website, GentleHairDye.com


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Are Daniel Field Products Organic?

The term “organic” has a wide ranging definition and so unfortunately it is not possible to answer a simple “yes” or “no” to this very valid question.

Daniel is the pioneer in the field of organic and mineral hairdressing and many are now following his lead. Daniel’s products in one form or another have been established for well over twenty years. The original concept was aimed at a naturally efficiently organised approach to hairdressing and hair care, avoiding as far as possible the use of synthetic chemicals and using gentler alternatives.

Over the years there have been a number of controversies concerning the term “chemicals”, in the light of new research and coupled with media reporting. Daniel is constantly monitoring the ingredients of all his products, a process that one can imagine is ongoing, in these days of a more aware society, better educated in health issues. Many materials – both natural and man-made have a definite chemical composition and so no manufacturer can claim that any product is devoid of chemicals.

All our products carry a clear ingredients listing within the packaging so that our customers may make an informed choice whether or not to use a product at the outset. Where updated ingredients will achieve the same results it is Daniel’s policy to make changes accordingly, as soon as really workable alternatives become available and as soon as practicably possible.

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